James Kilbane in Concert
FAMILY PRAYER God, our Father, We are brothers and sisters in Jesus your Son, One family, in the Spirit of your love. Bless us with the joy of love. Make…
FAMILY PRAYER God, our Father, We are brothers and sisters in Jesus your Son, One family, in the Spirit of your love. Bless us with the joy of love. Make…
Climate Reality: Photo: Thurles Eco-Spirituality Group pictured with Eoin Campbell at the Climate Reality talk in Cabragh Wetlands Centre on Jan. 13th 2018. Back row l to r: Helen Campbell,…
THANKS to Thurles Parish for the Liturgy of Thanksgiving and Farewell Gathering upon our leaving for pastures new, in particular, to all who prepared for and participated on the night…
Palm Sunday, April 9th: Stations of the Cross @ 7.00 p.m.; Bóthar na Naomh Church. Tuesday April 11th: Penitential Service @ 7.00 p.m., Cathedral. Wednesday April 12th: Chrism Mass @…
EXHIBITION OF CLUBS, ORGANISTATIONS & SOCIETIES, FEBRUARY 2016 Thanks to all who exhibited with inspiring effort, colour and style as well as the People & Priests Group whose sterling hard…