“Those who sing pray twice” (St. Augustine)
Thurles Parish Cantor group was formed in October 2007 under the directorship of John Gorman, with a view to enhancing liturgy with congregational singing. Liturgical music helps us to give praise and thanks to God. Through sung prayer we celebrate the presence of God building faith and worship in the gathered community. When we participate in singing, there is a sense of belonging as our spirits are raised through the power of music. Congregational singing is a joyful experience and a heartfelt sound in our Church.
The group is grateful for the wonderful encouragement that it has received from Thurles Parish. Thurles parish cantor’s look forward to continued support and active participation as they undertake this ministry.
“The faithful who gather together to await the Lord’s coming are instructed by the Apostle Paul to sing psalms, hymns, and inspired songs. Song is the sign of the heart’s joy.” (General Instruction of the Roman Missal # 19)