Baptism Team                                                                                                                                                                    

Parents ministering to parents. Parents take the first step in the child’s faith development when they ask to have their child baptized. In preparation for the Sacrament and in order to clearly understand the commitment they are undertaking, the Baptism team provides the parents with an opportunity to reflect on the decision they have made to bring their child up in the Catholic faith. This pre-baptism meeting is facilitated by team volunteers who provide an overview of the ritual and respond to any queries parents may have as they initiate their child in the ways of faith.

Adult Faith Formation                                                                                                                                                    

Faith development continues beyond formal education and throughout life. To respond to the need for ‘on-going’ growth in faith, the Faith Formation team organises occasional evening courses linking faith and living in contemporary society.  These interactive workshops take place typically during the Lenten season and are advertised locally in the media and in the parish bulletin.

Liturgy  Group                                                                                                                                                                                      

The focus of the Liturgy Group is on the praise and worship of God and how we celebrate the changing rhythms and seasons of the Church’s year. Members meet in advance of major feasts and solemnities, e.g Advent, Holy Week, Corpus Christi to highlight in word and song the mysteries of faith as celebrated when the faith community gathers together in prayer.

Bereavement Group  “Blessed are those  who mourn, they shall be comforted”

Members of the Bereavement Group engage in the ministry of consolation to those in the community who experience the loss of  loved ones in death.  In association with the priests of the parish, volunteers are available to make contact and call to the recently bereaved who request such a visit in their homes.  Occasional Masses are also arranged for the families and friends of the recently deceased followed by a cup of tea.


Catholic Initiation Team

Volunteers in the Catholic Initiation Group welcome and guide those who express an interest in becoming baptized members of the Catholic Church. Instruction is also provided for those of other Christian denominations who are already baptized and wish to complete the process of Sacramental initiation in the Catholic faith.


Family Mass Team

“Sharing faith with the young is the work of the whole Christian community, yet the primary and natural responsibility f0r children’s education and faith formation belong to their parents/guardians.”  (Share the Good News, p91)

To support parents/guardians in the task of forming their children’s faith, volunteers meet to organise the regular Family Mass providing an opportunity for parents and guardians to become actively involved in the preparation of the Liturgy.


Thurles Care

Volunteers with Thurles Care are actively engaged in the visitation of the sick and elderly in their homes and in the local Nursing homes. Outreach is provided by volunteers in the organisation of outings and entertainment (e.g Bingo, Christmas parties etc) with transport arranged where necessary.