We extend our congratulations and offer our best wishes to you both in your future married life together.
Planning Your Wedding
As you now prepare for the wedding ceremony we would like to outline the requirements for weddings in Thurles Parish.
To book your wedding in Thurles Parish, application forms are available at
The Parish Centre, Cathedral St. Thurles, Co. Tipperary. Phone 0504 22229.
e-mail [email protected]
Church Checklist
- At least three months notice is required with your local parish clergy.
- Marriage Preparation Course with ACCORD: 1850 303 202 ([email protected]), recommended at least six months before wedding.
- The couple must arrange to contact in person the priest they are nominating to officiate at their marriage at least three months before their wedding and before meeting with the registrar.
- Complete MARRIAGE PAPERS with the priest of the parish area where you currently reside.
- Obtain Certificates of Baptism, Confirmation & Letter of Freedom from your place of Baptism.
- Confirm the date of your wedding and rehearsal with the celebrant and Parish Centre.
State Checklist
- The Couple must arrange to meet in person with the civil registrar at least three months before the wedding to give the required three months notice of their intention to marry
- For Location of Registration Offices see: www.groireland.ie
- Receive the Marriage Registration Form (MRF) from the civil registrar: without this document no Marriage can take place
- Show the MRF to the Priest(solemniser) to check that details are correct.
- Make the verbal declaration of no civil impediment not more than two days before the Marriage
- It is the responsibility of the couple to return the signed MRF to any civil registrar no later than one month after the wedding
Wedding Fees
Celebrant: At your discretion
Sacristan: €75
Wedding Papers-Parish Administration Fee: €20
Music: Arrange with Musicians & Soloists
Papal Blessing(Optional) can be ordered through Veritas (01 8788177)
For more information contact us using our Contacts Page